Series B · Under 50
团队成员中,80%毕业于国内外顶尖学府和985高校,包括哥伦比亚大学、新加坡国立大学、北京大学、北京航空航天大学、上海交通大学、西安交通大学、南京大学、吉林大学、华中科技大学、中山大学、华盛顿大学等等。 在投身区块链行业之前,均有着杰出的金融+互联网从业背景,曾就职于摩根斯坦利、埃森哲管理咨询、巴克莱资本、友邦保险、IBM、通用电气、贝尔实验室、华为、联通、美团、小米、火币、字节跳动等知名公司。我们是一个多元化的团队,核心成员分布在美国硅谷、新加坡、西班牙、上海、北京、东南亚等地区。 团队已获得诸多海内外知名机构,包括火币、分布式资本、LD(了得)资本、Solana Capital、Libra、Polygon、金氪、Axia8、、MEXC Global、FBG、3Commas、水滴资本、Zonff等近30家投资机构和火币联合创始人个人投资。目前已获三轮融资。 孵化的3个DeFi项目管理的资金总规模最高超25亿美元,其中的2个借贷应用目前仍居所在公链头部,分别已平稳运营超过2年和1年时间,TVL最高时曾是全球第4大抵押借贷平台和第1大LP抵押借贷平台,在产品和服务上深受用户好评。 团队服务过数万加密用户,遍布在全球各地超80个国家或地区,产品主打海外市场。 公司正在研发的首个去中心化存储ETH Layer2解决方案,已获得ETH Research Grant,包括以太坊基金会成员在内的来自全球各地的二十多个学者/开发人员正在为该方案的设计和进一步发展做出贡献。我们致力于解决去中心化存储这一Dapp发展的大的瓶颈,同时我们认为这也极可能是区块链行业最后一个大的基础设施升级的机会。预计将于2023年第3季度上线Beta版本。 我们是一个平均年龄二十五六岁的团队。我们是一个平均学历985的团队。我们是一个产品和业务数据都在超快速增长的团队。我们是一个真正的走在区块链技术最前沿,脚踏实地用产品说话的团队。我们也是为数不多的一个真正有使命感的团队。 公司的使命与愿景:开发去中心化云,让世界更开放和自由。 快来加入我们,带着使命感和优秀的人做有挑战性的事!做可以改变世界的事!

BD/Marketing Manager

35,000 - 70,000 USD/Annually
  • Remote
  • Global
  • Full Time
  • 3-5 Years EXP
  • Bachelor
Topia · HR

Job Description

The Role As business develpment manager, you will concerned with improving and growing a business by establishing and develping relationships with potential partners in the ecosystem. We are looking for talents who can design and execute marketing strategies to accelerate user expansion. Responsibilities: 1. Research and identify new partnership opportunities, including new projects, growth areas, trends and products. 2. Foster and develop realtionships with strategic partners, coordinate and solve problems in the progress of cooperation. 3. Careful strategic planning and positioning in appropriate markets, enhancing the operation of the project, position or reputation. 4. Collect various market information, analyze and sort out competitors in the industry, and give feedback to superiors and other relevant departments in a timely manner. 5. Responsible for business negotiation, effect monitoring, cooperation implementation with cooperative institutions, and coordinate with other departments within the team. Requirements: 1. One year of BD realted work experience. Experience in the blockchain industry is preferred; 2. Familiar with blockchain business models and marketing strategies, rich experience in NFT expansion is preferred; 3. Have a keen market sense and decision-making ability, and have the ability to integrate marketing and business development; 4. Have good communication skills and maintain a positive interaction with partners; 5. Have the ability to work independently, be able to make their own work plans on the premise of specific work objectives and work content, and be able to independently promote business progress; 6. Project management experience is preferred.
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