Alchemy Pay
Other · 50 To 99 Employees
Founded in Singapore in 2018, Alchemy Pay is a payment gateway that seamlessly connects crypto and global fiat currencies for businesses, developers, and users. The Alchemy Pay Ramp Solution is integrated, via plugin or API, with platforms and dApps, providing an easy onramp from fiat currency to crypto. Alchemy Pay’s supports payments from 173 countries - Visa, Mastercard, popular regional mobile wallets, and domestic transfers with a focus on emerging markets. Its offramping capability remits to users in 27 local fiat currencies. ACH is the Alchemy Pay network token on Ethereum and Binance Chain. Website: Twitter: LinkedIn: Medium: YouTube:


30,000 - 50,000 CNY/Monthly
  • Beijing
  • Full Time
  • 3-5 Years EXP
  • Bachelor
Alchemy Pay · HRBP

Job Description

岗位职责 1. 研究和开发跨交易所资产/高相关资产的量化策略,包括做市策略或套利策略等; 2. 利用量化模型和数据分析工具,对策略进行回测、业绩跟踪和调优; 3. 研究、挖掘和加工各种模型的因子,进行统计分析,生成回测报告等; 4. 协助跟踪及分析量化投资策略的表现,优秀者可参与量化对冲基金的管理; 5. 完成领导安排的其他各项任务。 岗位要求 1. 了解区块链技术,有相关投资工作经验,具备独立产出投资策略能力,热爱量化; 2. 211本科及以上学历,理工科专业(数学、统计、物理、计算机专业或金融、经济学专业中数理基础突出者); 3. 有黑客精神和快速迭代能力; 4. 扎实的数学建模及严谨的逻辑推导能力,掌握概率、统计等方法,熟悉机器学习、深度学习、人工智能等优先; 5. 良好的编程能力,熟练使用Python; 6. 较强的探究精神、思维逻辑力、自我驱动力、团队合作意识、沟通协调能力,工作认真踏实; 7. 具备较好的英文文献阅读能力。
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