Funding not required · 50 To 99 Employees
CyberConnect is a decentralized social network protocol that helps Web3 applications bootstrap network effects while empowering users to truly own and monetize their social data and content. The protocol consists of two core components - Social Data Network and Interest Graph Engine. A Silicon Valley-based, serial entrepreneurial team with experience and commitment to the social thesis, Web3, and blockchain.  In 2017, we founded Lino blockchain and built, the biggest blockchain-based live streaming platform. We achieved more than 1 million daily active users for DLive and managed and exclusive partnership with PewDiePie, the No.1 YouTuber. Lino and DLive were acquired by BitTorrent in early 2020.


40,000 - 60,000 CNY/Monthly
  • Shanghai
  • Full Time
  • 5-10 Years EXP
  • Bachelor
CyberConnect · HR Manager

Job Description

工作职责: 1. 根据需求在iOS移动端进行APP的设计与开发; 2. 参与项目的产品设计、分析、开发以及维护; 3. 独立完成开发工作,进行模块测试,保证代码的质量。 任职要求: 1. 5年以上iOS开发经验,有SDK开发经验更佳; 2. 熟悉Swift优先,对于iOS编程有系统化的知识体系; 3. 有扎实的Objective-C/ C++语言基础,了解iPhone SDK及相关开发工具,熟练运用XCode等开发 工具; 4. 计算机基础扎实,熟悉常见数据结构、算法和设计模式,熟悉TCP、HTTP、WebSocket等常见协 议; 5. 良好的学习能力,在面对崭新的知识栈的时候,能够快速学习,并将习得的知识转化成代码; 6. 有良好的产品意识,学习能力强,执行力好,积极乐观,认真负责,乐于协作; 7. 有知名开源项目者优先。
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